Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Special Mothers Day Blog

This weekend we celebrate Mothers Day. But we also celebrate my Mother and her retirement. My mother is no ordinary woman and anyone who knows her will agree. Over the last couple days I have listened to teachers, students, friends, family and even strangers talk about my  mom and what she means to them. I have heard stories of inspiration, wisdom, compassion and leadership that come from one woman - my mother. Georgia, Jolynne and Mickey's grandmother. I watched the students pile in the multi-purpose room. They are laughing, they are teasing each other, some are clapping, some are making funny faces, but they are so amazing and my mom is responsible for all these kids. These kids and the teachers, our extended family for so many years. The teachers did the ABC's of Linda. Every letter of the alphabet and what it stood for that reminded them of my mom. Amazing, Caring,  Leader, Match Maker, Queen, Rock, etc. They kept referring her to the ROCK, the whole assembly. The cheerleaders did a cheer dance for her. Each grade level presented her with a gift and the students talked about her and thanked her. They played a video of memorable pictures  and more people talking about what she had meant in their lives, including Me, Tommy and the babies. And then all those kids, they sang to my mom, They called her a hero and they thanked her for everything she had done for them. Later that night I listened to her colleagues and her boss talk about the influence she had on their life and their career. They said she was more than that, but also a friend, someone they could count on. Her boss said the one school he never had to lose sleep over was hers. She received a letter from the co-founders of Imagine Schools stating she holds the record for the longest tenured principal at any Imagine School and reiterated the impact she had on the organization but most of all, the students and the parents.

My mom, she pours her heart and soul into these children and what she does. The babies, my sister, my nephew, and I are so lucky to have her as a Nana and a Mother. To watch these people who have been so incredibly touched by mom, I am in awe of her.

Now that I am a mom I realize how tough it is some days. How you put yourself aside every day and do what you need to for your kids. No matter how tired you are, or long you had to work that day, or how bad your head hurts, or your feet or even when your sick. Your kids need you. You don't get a day off most of the time. But you do it because you love your children more than anything and you would do anything for them. I've learned so much from my children in their short life. I look forward to every weekend because I know I will get to  be 100% devoted to them for two days. I can't take my eyes off of them. Their smiles, their personalities, they are growing so fast!

Today I awoke to breakfast in bed, and three little voices and eyes peaking up at me. This weekend, on mothers day, I reflect on how lucky I am to have to such an inspiring mother, and how lucky I am to be a mother of the three most beautiful miracles alive. I don't know how I got here most days. I never thought any of this would happen to me. And I am just so proud of my family. I love being a mom even in those stressful moments. I would take those moments over being without them any time. Nothing worth having is every easy, Its a lot of hard work, it sacrifices, but its so worth it.

Thank you mom for being such a wonderful role model to me, for loving me unconditionally and for being such a wonderful grandmother. We all have a lot to live up to.

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